sexta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2009

Creative Packaging Designs

Creative Packaging Designs: "

Creativity comes in many forms and packaging is one way that a company can use creativity to help sell a product. Packaging makes a big difference when an item is waiting to be sold on a store shelf. Interesting packaging can draw customers to a product and can help it compete with similar products that may be in close vicinity. Take a look at some of these unusual, but great packaging designs. Do they take away from the products they are advertising or help? Would you be more interested in making a purchase if your options were more like these? Is eye candy really all that we look for? I’d like to know what you think.

Taffy Creative Packaging

Triangle Carton Packaging Design

McDonalds Creative Packaging

Apple Holder Creative Packaging

Creative Packaging

Soccer Coke Container

H2O Creative Water Packaging

Flav H2O packaging

Juice Box Creative Packaging

Cloth Bag Packaging

Kleenex Tissue Box Packaging

Blue Lobster Shoe Packaging

Creative Shoe Box Packaging

Six Feet Under DVD Packaging

The Simpsons Movie Donut Packaging

Creative Packaging Design

Diesel Creative Packaging

Creative Packaging

Oil Can Creative Packaging

Motorola Oscars Creative Packaging

-Nora Reed


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