pertinho da casa da Sasha e da Jo, sortudas, ehuehue
Por Mariana Tomazelli
Esta semana o Rio de Janeiro recebe mais um evento fashion. Desembarca na cidade maravilhosa uma exposição em comemoração aos 30 anos da Melissa, chamada MelissaEu!
No evento, que ocorre a partir do dia 28/10 até 15/11 no Solar Real, em Santa Tereza, vocês poderão conferir a exposição que conta a história da sandália de plástico mais famosa do país.
Dividido em 17 ambientes a mostra conta com a direção de Erika Palomino, há 6 anos consultora da marca, e apresenta a trajetória da Melissa explicando como a sua interação com o design e a moda nos presenteou com a criação de 500 modelos.
Entre os modelos estarão peças que pela primeira vez saem do acervo da Grendene e vão desde a primeira Aranha 79, passando pelas grandes parcerias como Vivienne Westwood, Jean Paul Gaultier e Thierry Mugler, até chegar aos modelos atuais.
Como decoração da exposição, que ocupará todos os jardins, estarão as Asas da Rocking Horse Wing e os corações da Lady Dragon, assinados pela Vivienne Westwood. Além de uma Melissa gigante criada pela arquiteta iraquiana Zaha Hadid. Já a piscina do casarão ganha um grande coração com 3 mil miniaturas da sandália.
O cheirinho de tutti frutti estará presente em uma fonte com água cor de rosa aromatizada.
Para completar a exposição, uma máquina injetora virá da fábrica da Grendene para demonstrar o processo de fabricação das Melissas e produzirá, como presentes para os visitantes, exclusivas miniaturas da Melissa Aranha feitas em 10 minutos.
Os visitantes interessados contarão com um serviço de vans gratuitas. Perfeito!
Jeff Goran’s “A Lighter or a Spoon” conflates Campbell’s Soup with Marlboro Cigarettes
Jeff Goran’s packaging mash-up has already appeared in blogs aplenty... but I like it too!
I like how, in swapping the trade dress of these two products from two non-competing categories, he creates a momentary confusion. Although not the same sort of “confusion in the mind of the consumer” that motivated Philip Morris when they took King Mountain Cigarette Company to court earlier this year:
Philip Morris claims that the appearance of King Mountain’s packaging is a close copy or imitation of its Marlboro packaging such that consumers are both actually and likely to be confused, that Philip Morris’s Marlboro trademark is infringed and diluted, and alleges that its reputation is tarnished. King Mountain, on the other hand, argues that its packaging depicts Mt. Adams—known as “Pahto” in the Yakama Nation—a mountain of spiritual and cultural significance to the Yakama Tribe and that any resemblance to Philip Morris’s packaging is inadvertent and incidental. King Mountain applied to register its package design but the USPTO refused registration, citing two of Philip Morris’s registrations.
via Seattle Trademark Lawyer
Regarding Campbell’s and Marlboro, there’s little likelihood of any confusion (under ordinary circumstances) because they are sold in different, non-competing product categories. But they are similar...
Perhaps the most successful package redesign of all time was that done for Marlboro cigarettes in 1955 by the designer Frank Gianninoto. The Marlboro cigarette had existed previously in a white pack covered with weak graphic elements and a lot of copy. It was associated with women, at a time when buyers of filter cigarettes were most likely to be women. But filters were beginning to catch on with men too, and the redesign was prompted by the desire of Philip Morris, the tobacco company, to have a filter cigarette that would appeal to all. Gianninoto’s simplification was, in fact, very like the Campbell’s soup can— red on top, white on the bottom, with a coat of arms that like Campbell’s gold medal, tends to disappear. The white meets the red as an arrow pointing upward, a very simple graphic device visible on even the snowiest television set.
Marlboro Country Was Once No Man’s Land
By Thomas Hine, NY Times, Sunday, April 16, 1995
Interestingly, it was Gianninoto’s firm, Gianninoto Associates, that in 1999 altered the iconic Campbell’s packaging that Marlboro’s packaging most resembled. (See: After 102 Years, Campbell Alters Soup Labels)
Another thing that I like about Goran’s picture is how the two packaging shapes (can and box) work together like fraternal twins. (Sort of like this can-shaped product packaged in a box.)
Randy Ludacer
Beach Packaging Design
Safra nova começando hoje!
Por Rômolo. Todas as segundas aqui na Ideafixa. Para ver todas as tiras publicadas, clique aqui.
Chegou em outubro na Europa, e vou ficar esperando com TODOS os dedos cruzados pra chegar aqui e completar minha coleção :)
A Absolut lança dessa vez uma série limitada sem rótulos, apenas com uma etiqueta removível, chamando a atenção para a diversidade e fazendo com que o mundo olhe para “o que está dentro” sem rótulos ou julgamentos.
A Absolut criou um BLOG para essa edição especial. Visite :)
Ah sim! Além do Blog, foi criado um aplicativo para o Facebook, no qual ao permitir o acesso, é colocado a bandeirinha símbolo do movimento na sua foto.
MUITO IMPORTANTE: Para dar acesso ao aplicativo, vc precisa deixar seu ano de nascimento VISÍVEL, pois só assim a validação é possível.
SIM, precisa ter mais de 18 anos, afinal, estamos falando de bebida alcoólica!
É a segunda garrafa que a a marca faz apoiando o movimento LGBT/GLS. A Primeira foi a Absolut Colors, que infelizmente não chegou ao Brasil. Foi lançada somente na Europa.
Via Yatzer enviada pelo Renato :)
New trailer for the upcoming Guy Ritchie-directed “Sherlock Holmes” movie is online. Check it out below.
Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock Holmes
Set in 1891, the film revolves around Holmes and Watson as they try to stop a conspiracy that could destroy Britain, opening with Holmes apprehending cult leader ‘Lord Blackwood’ (Mark Strong), who promises he will return from the dead and exact his revenge, while being led to the gallows.
Ritchie is directing from the script by Michael Robert Johnson, Anthony Peckham and Simon Kinberg, based on an original story by Wigram incorporating Doyle’s public domain characters.
The upcoming action adventure stars Robert Downey Jr. as Holmes, Jude Law as Dr Watson, Kelly Reilly as his love interest Mary. The bad guys are Rachel McAdams as Irene Adler and Mark Strong as Blackwood.
Guy Ritchie’s upcoming adaptation of Sherlock Holmes film already has sequel plans. Warner Bros is already moving forward with the sequel by hiring Kieran and Michele Mulroney (Justice League: Mortal) to write the script, with Brad Pitt in negotiations to come aboard. This will be the first time they have worked together since “Snatch.”
The first “Sherlock Holmes” movie will hit theaters on December 25, 2009.
More about the movie, trailers, photos and posters you can find at “Sherlock Holmes” FilmoFilia Movie Page
German duo Herakut take graffiti to a new level. Lovely paintings!
Read the rest of It is all in the Eyes (graffiti) (5 words)
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